MODEL B Cnc Hydraulic Press Brake

MODEL C CNC Hydraulics Press Brake
Axes configgurastions, Model C press brake can configure 4 axes (Y1,Y2,XR) and maximum 12 axes (Y1, Y2, X1, X2, R1, R2, Z1, Z2, AP3, AP4…)
Model C, standart WILA type manual crowning systems with opposing wave.
Model C controller is standard 2D/3D colored graphical big screen
standard Cybelec 15T, Delem 58T or ESA875 3D CNC
Automatically calculations unfolded length, automatically and programmable
bend order features, according to the material thickness, material type, tools
features standard. 2D/3D graphical color controller provided optimizations
of automatically search bend order with collisions check for bending parts
Frame steel constructions manufacturing certificated raw material has been designed according optimal and minimum deflections resistance criteria of design and analyses requirement
Steel constructions productions by modern and
advanced CNC machining center.
Hydraulic cylinders, manufactured as precision from solid
full material in ALPMAC facilities and made honed.
Hydraulic pistons, manufactured from forged steel, hardened,
grinding is done, and chrome-coated in ALPMAC facilities.
Hydraulic block and valve made in Germany, originally,
high level type for performance and stability.
ALPMAC press brake have special hydraulic pump have high effiency condition of low and high pressure range
Low electricity consumptions concept with special
hydraulic design and components
Automatically reference
Pressing force tonnage automatically calculated according material
thickness, tools and checking tools damage and machine safety
Stroke adjustment, retract features automatically
Save and recall bending programs, and searching
different criteria tools material
Calculations unfolded length, automatically and programmable bend order
features, according to the material thickness, material type, tools features
2 working mode, full automatically and manual
C frame shape linear scale holders for body deflections compensations, and protected cross working
Overload alarm system electronically
Hydraulic maximum limit protect system with safety valve group
Complete electrical switch board and control
panel for 400VAC 3 phase 50Hz
4 axes: Y1, Y2, X, R Axis
High exceptional, high stroke 300 mm
Big exceptional, big throat 500 mm
Delem 58T CNC control unit (touch screen
visualizations for machine, parts, tools, back gauge) with offline software profile TL, max. 4 Axes
ESA 675 3D colored graphical CNC control unit (19 inch TFT windows) with offline software
Cybelec 15T, 2D Graphic Touch Screen 15”
Automatic Bend Order Calculations
WILA typ ‘opposing wave’ manuel crowning (anti-deflections) system
Special high effiency pump for low electrical consumption
Original Hoerbiger Bosch Rexroth Complete
sealed up Hydraulic Systems Germany
produced with CE norms compatible
Schneider- Siemens etc. electrical components,
with ventilations electrical cabinet
Stand type multi-functions control panel and
foot pedal with CE norms compatible
Accurate, high accuracy, +- 0,005 mm optic linear scale
Sliding front support arm system for support bending
Heavy duty rigid, cnc controlled back gauge
Precision servo motorized, back gauge system with driver
X axis stroke 750 mm
Movable back gauge fingers along of bending length by manually
Protect covers at the side
Top tool clamping Promecam system
Top tools hardened, grinded standard 835mm lengths,
66,6mm (1260)-105mm (1281) ( 400 ton and over ) high
Bottom tools hardened, grinded standard 835 mm lengths,
60x60mm, 4 channels 16/22/35/50 mm (2067)
Narrow table or wide table with T slot
CE conformity light guard rear of press category 4
Delem 66T 2D graphical touch screen, Delem 69T,
3D colored graphical touch screen CNC control unit with Profile T3D and DXF impots package
VisiTouch 19, Windows 19” 3D, software
package (DXF) – DXF 3D format import
WILA typ ‘opposing wave’ motorized crowning (anti-deflecitons) system
X, R, Z1+Z2 4 axis back gauge
X1+X2, R, Z1+Z2 5 axis back gauge
X1+X2, R1+R2, Z1+Z2 6 axis back gauge
X5 axis adaptive
Longer X axis stroke 1000mm
CE confotmity with AKAS laser finger protections manual and safety PLC
CE confotmity with AKAS laser finger protections motorized and safety PLC
CE confotmity with AKAS laser finger protections manual and safety PLC
DFS Laser beams finger protections in front non CE
Light barriers in front (for tandem applications)
Green Collection for energy saving
Extra control panel foot pedal
Additional extra front support arms
WILA type hydraulic or mechanic top tool clamping system
WILA type hydraulic or mechanic
bottom tool clamping system
Hydraulic Promecam type top tool clamping system
American type compatible top tool clamping system
AP3+AP4 axis front sheet support follower CNC controlled
T slot on table
Heat exchanger (oil cooler)
Oil heating unit
Special color
Extra front support arms
Extra front support arms
ROL1 or ROL200- ROL4 top tool clamping systems
Special stroke, special throat
220-240V 60hz operating voltage
440-480V 60hz operating voltage
220-240V 60Hz and 440V-480V 60 Hz double
operating voltage (by preliminary preparation)